Optimize your global supply chain to reduce risks and improve revenue
Supply chains have evolved rapidly while getting more complex. It used to be alright to just optimize your cost structure and make sure you had continuity of supply. Things have changed. With a global supply chain, potential trade wars, and technology solutions abundant for each aspect of your supply chain, you need a partner that not only knows about these changes, but has dealt with them firsthand.
Beltrees provides consultants that have done just that. This will not only help you understand where to invest now and in the future, but also give you a partner to ensure what you invest in will drive the expected return.

Commodity Hedging
LCC Sourcing
Negotiations Strategy
Payment Terms
Price Benchmarks
Price Variance Management
Product/Service Rationalization
RFPs & Auctions
Supplier Consolidation
Volume Leveraging
Cost Modeling
Channel Optimization
Cost Regression Analysis
Distribution Network Optimization
Export/Tax Optimization
Make/Buy Analysis
Off/Near Shoring
Packaging & Fulfilment Standards
Specification Adjustments

Collaborative Capacity Management
Collaborative Tax Planning
Co-Sponsored Diversity & Sustainability Programs
Joint Risk Avoidance
Shared Revenue
Value Engineering
Vertical Integration